TAMS Studies
World Class Coaching Centre in Aligarh Maths till 8th class English All Classes PGT and TGT Preparation Call 9759999231 for available offers
World Class Coaching Centre in Aligarh Maths till 8th class English All Classes PGT and TGT Preparation Call 9759999231 for available offers
Figure of Speech Examples A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal meaning. It can be a metaphor orsimile that …
CAN Can is one of the most commonly used modals, but make sure you know all its meanings. A modal is a word that gives a special …
stroll / saunter / mosey To walk in a relaxed, leisurely way She strolled along the beach at sunset. Note: “Stroll” can be both a noun …
mumble = speak quietly and not clearly, without opening your mouth very much People often mumble when they don’t want to talk, or when they’re nervous, embarrassed, or …
Examples of Personification Everyone knows what a person is, but do you know what personification is? Personification is when you assign the qualities of a person to …
Alliteration Examples for Kids Alliteration happens when words that start with the same sound are used close together in a phrase or sentence. The sound is …
Dates and ordinals So far you’ve listened to 6 Minute English and practised spelling ordinal numbers. Now let’s practise using dates correctly. This is where …
The surname that a girl is given at birth and that some women change when they marry. Also called birth name.
Hello Friends, Good news for you!! If you are preparing for any competitive exams Like – Bank, PO, Clerk, SSC, Railway, NDA, IAS, B.ed, New …
Adjectives Ending in -ly Students are often confused by adjectives that end in -ly because they look like adverbs of manner. Below is a table listing some …
Part 1: The Basics Learning the basics of forming a verb tense is usually easy, and so is using that tense by itself. However, when the …
If you cannot accept a request on your Social profile, either you are not satisfied with your job or you are a monotonous person.
First Prize winner* will get Surprise gift. *Winner should be from Aligarh to claim the prize.
Idioms you can use come out in the wash = to be OK in the end despite difficultiesdo someone’s heart good = make someone feel …
प्रिय मित्रो अब आप बहुत आसानी से हिंदी से अंग्रेजी बोलना सीख सकते हैं क्यूँ ?? क्यूँ कि में आपको ज्ञान व ट्रेनिंग के अलावा …
Education makes the people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave”, so said Lord Brougham. This is entirely …
Characteristics of a effective learner They Have Their Heart In It They Take Responsibility For Their Learning They Don’t Expect Perfection Call to Action